Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Mencken would love this

Alabama state representative Gerald Allen wants his state to lead the nation in something. Unfortunately, he's chosen to concentrate on promoting bigotry and ignorance, rather than something useful like, say, literacy, economic growth, good roads, or public health. From LibraryLaw:

Bill to keep gay books out of libraries officially read by Alabama legislature February 1, 2005

From the Birmingham News:

Allen said that if his bill passes, novels with gay protagonists and college textbooks that suggest homosexuality is natural would have to be removed from library shelves and destroyed.

"I guess we dig a big hole and dump them in and bury them," he said.
The bill states, among other things, that "No public funds or public facilities shall be used by any state agency, public school, public library, or public college or university for the purchase, production, or promotion of printed or electronic materials or activities that, directly or indirectly, sanction, recognize, foster, or promote a lifestyle or actions prohibited by the sodomy and sexual misconduct laws of the state of Alabama."

Given James Dobson's predeliction for "recognizing" homosexuality everywhere he looks, I presume this means that "Focus on the Family" publications will immediately be stricken from the book orders of Alabama libraries.

Addendum: The Guardian reports on Representative Allen, his bill, and Our Beloved Leader. "'It was election day,' he explains."


Blogger Carlos said...

I reckon polygamy contravenes the sexual misconduct laws of Alabama, so throw out those Old Testaments!

February 10, 2005 at 12:28 AM  

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